Here is an interesting story of rare and banned coins given in detail in simple Hindi, which everyone can easily understand.
Coins that can only exist in dreams
In the world of coins, there are some coins that are not only rare, but are also prohibited to own. These coins are wrapped in history, controversy and government rules. Their stories fascinate coin collectors as much as they disappoint them, because keeping them is illegal. Let’s know about five such coins that can only exist in imagination.
1974 Aluminum Penny
Story: This coin is a unique example of experimental coins in America. In 1974, copper prices were rising, so aluminum was used to reduce the cost of making money. During this time, about 16 lakh aluminum coins were made and given to Congress for evaluation.
But considering this experiment a failure, almost all the coins were destroyed. Yet some coins somehow survived. When one such coin surfaced in 2014, a legal battle broke out over it. The court declared it illegal. Today this coin is a symbol of fantasies like “what if” and remains a dream for collectors.
1964 Peace Dollar

Story: This coin is often called a “ghost story”. In 1964, the US government made more than 3 lakh Peace Dollars, but never released them in the market. Instead, all the coins were destroyed.
However, there are rumors that some coins have survived. The US government says that if any such coins are left, they are illegal. But these rumors have only increased the popularity of this coin. For collectors, this coin has become the “ultimate unobtainable treasure”.
1933 Double Eagle
Story: It is called the “crown” of the world of coins. This was a $20 gold coin, minted in 1933. But during the Great Depression, President Franklin D. Roosevelt ordered the end of gold use. This led to the destruction of 445,500 coins.
Some coins survived, but today they are considered the property of the US government. So far only one coin has been sold legally, which fetched a price of ₹62 crore in 2002. The Secret Service has been given the responsibility of confiscating all the other coins. This coin has become a symbol of history and legal controversy.
2007 Liberty Head Double Eagle

Story: This coin shows how banned coins can stir up controversy even in modern times. A collector, Dwight Manley, bought it legally. But later federal agents seized it, saying the government has a right to it.
The case highlights the tension between collectors and authorities. Possession of the coin has become a legal challenge. Still, its history and appeal keep it a favorite among collectors.
1934 Chinese Silver Dollar
The Story: Banned coins are found not just in the U.S. but all over the world. In 1934, this Chinese silver coin featuring Sun Yat-sen was minted. The coin symbolizes an important period in Chinese history.
The Chinese government banned it from being taken out of the country. Because of this, the coin has become very attractive to collectors outside of China. But it is nearly impossible to obtain legally.
Legal Issues and Restrictions
Owning banned coins is a legal hassle. Most governments consider these coins their property, no matter how they were acquired. When such coins are discovered, the government often confiscates them.
Special attraction for collectors
Banned coins are not just currency, but a living part of history. These coins remind us of political decisions, economic changes and legal disputes. Their being banned only increases their popularity and value.
Whenever a banned coin comes to the market legally, such as the 1933 Double Eagle, its price skyrockets. This is due to its historical significance and demand from collectors.
Importance of banned coins
For collectors around the world, these coins are an inspiration. They remind us how history and government decisions can make some things special. Although these coins are unattainable to most, their stories still fascinate people and keep the pages of history alive.
How can I identify rare coins in my wallet?
Check for unusual mint marks, errors, or unique characteristics like doubling or off-center designs on your coins.
Where can I sell rare coins if I find one?
Rare coins can be sold at coin shops, auctions, or online platforms like eBay, or through professional dealers.
How do minting errors affect a coin’s value?
Minting errors like double dies, off-centers, or missing details increase rarity and collector interest, boosting the coin’s value significantly.